My Go-To Store for all Things Fashion


We’ve all been there. The stress of having to go to a million stores just to find what you’re looking for. Aritzia was my solution. It quickly became my go-to store for just about everything fashion. With an array of brands,  and styles, Aritzia has something for just about every fashion mood.

Although I am thankful to be able to say that I can shop at Aritzia, that wasn’t always the case. For a time, my wardrobe consisted of discounted tops at a price that wouldn’t break the bank. That’s just life. For my mom and I, Aritzia was a wish, the “one day”, until that day came. Saying I drooled over Aritzia’s dresses and wool jackets would be a complete understatement (not to mention I still do) but with complete clarity the price was always a bit of a turn off. What we didn’t realize right away was that although we were spending more, our clothes had a far longer shelf life, no matter how many time they got thrown in the wash. It became evident that all those slightly more expensive pieces were outlasting the others, and so we made a vow to invest in our wardrobes. 


Investing meant shopping was minimal and thoughtful, ensuring that every piece was versatile and loved. Not only was this more economical long-term but it meant that we were consuming less clothing. Not only was this better for the pocket but in the end a decrease in consumption meant a better environmental impact! 

Aside from all the serious stuff, wether you’re looking for the perfect blazer, those comfy leggings, or that sexy date night dress, it’s all there. No matter what your style is, with different brands offering slightly different styles and fits, I am almost positive you will find something. Aritzia has recently expanded, which to everyone outside of Canada, I can’t express how excited I am for you. I’m positive you will love it just as much as I do! 

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The Perfect Sun Kissed Bronzer For Summer


The Perfect Boot